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Rolland Luke Dingman Landscapes

"Nature Walk"

This is not my "newest" painting, after being encouraged for some time to do so, I recently decided to share it via this website.

This work started out as a doodle to unwind and for the pure enjoyment of just making up creatures, which I have done since childhood, and watching the paint flow. Something inspired me and these became plants - or creatures? - on a strange jungle planet. My idle doodle grew into an ambitious project that took nearly a year to complete.

I submitted "Nature Walk" to a competition for publication in The Society of Illustrators 27th Annual of American Illustration and it was accepted for publication and displayed in a special showing in New York City, with the other winning entries. The publication led to a number of illustration projects for children's magazines, including Highlights for Children and The Electric Company.

Watercolor, "19" x "24"
This watercolor has a 2 inch blue mat and a simple black frame.

Professional 8 x 10 prints are available mounted on backing board,
ready for framing, $15 ea. + Priority mailing fee.

Below are enlargements that aid in seeing some of the details of the creatures in the original.

Detail of Nature Walk watercolor. Detail of Nature Walk watercolor. Detail of Nature Walk watercolor.
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