Dingman Iconography GalleryPg. 2a - Icons of Saints/Patrons & Miracles of Christ |
The Icons on this page are in private collections or churches,
but may be ordered as Mounted Icons, Prints, Blank Greeting Cards,
Magnetic Bookmarks, or icon Pins.
Click on an icon to view at a larger size.
St. Patrick |
St. Brigid |
St. Wendell, C. 607
St. Martha |
St. Brendan |
St. Brigid |
St. Catherine |
Ss. Mary and Zosima |
St. Xenia |
St. George |
St. Lucia |
St. Cassia |
~ Miracles of Christ ~ |
Creation of the Cosmos |
Creation of the Animals |
Feeding of the 5000 |
Healing the Nobleman's Son |
Healing of the Paralytic |
Healing of the Blind Man |
Christ Walking on the Water |
Christ Raising Lazarus |
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Copyright© 2000 Rolland Luke Dingman, Brookdale, California
All rights reserved.